Dr. Shannon Tran

Executive Coach and Trainer

“Energy healing with Sonia has been one of my secret ingredients to success and fulfillment.”

“Energy healing session with Sonia has been one of my “secret ingredients” to success and fulfillment. I started energy healing because I knew something was blocking me but I just couldn’t put on my finger on it or articulate it. I particularly recall one session that brought to light some of my fears around knowing and receiving my worth. Through energy healing Sonia was able to bring to light some of my hidden fears and patterns that kept me stuck in the same pattern. By clearing my energy, I was able to experience new ways of being, new awareness, and shift my behavior. This has allowed me to be free of negative emotions, toxic relationships and fears about my best next steps in my life choices. It’s lead to healthier relationships between me and my kids, deeper connection with my husband, confidence to set firm boundaries when needed, and direct experiences of co workers and directors expressing how much they value and appreciate me. I believe energy healing is great for anyone who has been “working hard” but not seeing progress, engaging in the trap of self sabotage or making the same mistake over and over again.”


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