Now Program

11 Weeks to Un-Learn Struggle and Welcome Your Fulfillment with Ease. Through this course you will learn exactly how to stop settling, stop waiting and get what you want now. Hunting and productivity skills are useful but can only take you so far.  As you learn the simple skill-set you’ve been missing, you’ll open the flow gates to the abundance that’s always been here.

Most students experience results in 3 weeks or less!

30 Day Challenge

Discover what’s possible by doing absolutely nothing. Most accomplished professional women are excellent problem solvers. But when we focus on problems, we get more problems. However, when we allow the problem-solving to rest, a space opens up to receive the solutions, inspiration, peace, joy, grace, support and abundance that’s always been here for you.

Invite abundance by making space for it 15 minutes per day!

Surpass Your Limits Workshop

What If It Was Easy? Most smart women are so used to working hard, that they just can’t imagine that you truly can get more by doing less.

In this workshop you will:

  • Discover where your true power lies (it’s not what you think)
  • Craft goals that breathe life into your success, and
  • Learn the singular skill that allows you to start receiving more of what you want immediately.