Jen Freiter

Massage Therapist Intuitive Guiding Light

“I feel more in touch with my power with more to give to others.”

“As a body healer for 16 years I was inspired by how energy healing can create amazing and powerful shifts. I had lots of evidence and experience with how the energy around the body impacts the brain and the tissues that seem to be the largest factor in healing. When I met Sonia, I became very curious about her modality and my experience has been life changing. In just a few sessions my life literally felt full of light. Certain challenging relationships no longer felt scary or too much for me. I always know I am going to be different after her sessions and my life keeps feeling lighter and easier. The results after doing these energy healing sessions are a happier marriage, I feel more in touch with my own power with more to give others. Sonia has truly been a mentor to me as well. I have made huge strides at my own job thanks to her insight and gifts. I would recommend Sonia to anyone I know. I feel like when people help you on this scale all you want to do is spread the healing love to others. She is a gem and I’m so glad I found her.”

What other clients ARE SAYING…