Claim Your Bright Future
No Matter What’s Happening in the World!

  • 5Understand where your true power lies (regardless of world conditions)
  • 5Craft goals that actually work for you and inspire success
  • 5Accelerate your achieving through the Art of Receiving - the Simple 3 Step Receive Method

Is this you?

If any of the descriptions below feel like you, chances are good that you have a particular set of blind spots that sabotage most ACCOMPLISHED PROFESSIONAL WOMEN.

  • 5 You know that you're smart, you're capable, and you've generated some respectable achievements in your life. But for some reason there are certain personal goals and dreams (i.e. your sense of personal power, relationships, finances, body, or purpose...) that elude you.
  • 5You just feel stuck and it doesn't make any sense. You wonder, "Why can I make things happen in other areas of my life, but here (fill in the blank), I'm blocked?"
  • 5You've worked hard most of your life, and take pride in your hard-work ethic, yet you'd like to find a way to to experience greater ease while still feeling able to take care of yourself and your loved ones.
  • 5 It feels like you live in survival mode more of the time than not, yet you don't know how to shift from surviving to thriving.
  • 5You've sacrificed for others for as long as you can remember and wonder, "When's it gonna be my turn?"
  • 5You know that you're over-functioning (and might even be a workaholic), but every time you slow down or stop, you feel lost. You keep feeling that you should be doing something. But you don't know what that "something" is.
  • 5A part of you knows that you're afraid to take your foot off of the gas, because if you do you're going to have to face something uncomfortable. Working hard is starting to feel unsustainable, but you don't know what the alternative is.

These scenarios point to behavior and mind set patterns that undermine your success and prevent you from seeing this truth:

You’re not on a path to your happily ever after.

You’re on a hardwork treadmill that takes you nowhere

When you see your blind spots, gain the insight you need, and practice the skill you were missing, surpassing your limits with ease and speed happens – naturally.

So, What exactly are these blind spots?

These blind spots can be found when you explore how you operate as a Human Doing versus a Human Being.

You see, if you’re an ambitious, professional women chances are you’ve gotten your sense of value and self worth for what you DO.

As a result, DOING has become a source of safety, power, and belonging for you – a sort of security blanket. So, when you’re unable to reach your goals – and feel discouraged, vulnerable, and powerless – you reach for what you know and work even harder. THIS is the source of your blind spots.

Your over-reliance on hard work distracts you from seeing – that under the right circumstances – there’s a another skill that’s more effective, useful, powerful, productive and easier.

While the Doing Model of Power can and does produce concrete results, it can only take you so far. This is the cause of your upper limits.

The Being Model of Power picks up where the Doing Model of Power ends.

Once you re-connect with this simple and natural skill, you can hop off the hardwork treadmill and receive everything you’ve been working so hard for!

Are you done trying the same thing over and over again,
expecting a different result?




At this workshop you will…

    • Become crystal clear about where you true power lies, regardless of outer world conditions.
    • Discover how to consistently access your natural power to receive fulfillment regarding the things that matter most to you in life.
    • Learn the singular, game-changing skill that most ambitious, goal-oriented women are missing so you can start receiving more of what you want in life, immediately.
    • Understand the exact cause and the cure for your upper limit barriers.
    • Receive Guidance regarding how to get out of your own way in order to receive the fulfillment you've been seeking.

    This Training includes:

      The Surpass Your Limits™ Assessment which will set you up for success to craft your goals for the next 3-6 months in a way that works.

      ( EXPIRED ) LIMITED TIME BONUS. Upon completion of your workshop experience I will create a personalized 90 Day Plan for you based on your assessment.  We will get on a 1:1 phone call and I’ll go over what I see are the themes, blind spots, and recommended focus to succeed and energize the momentum you activate through the workshop. In all transparency, I don’t know how long my schedule will allow for this, but at the time you are reading this, my intention is to include this bonus through 2023 if possible.

      3 Videos (Training and Q&A Sessions) Plus Class Notes and Handouts for a powerful at-home experience, at your own pace.

      An invitation to join The Receive Community on Facebook with access to member only LIVE Community Energy Healing to Unlock Your Brightest Future and first dibs on all specials and early bird offerings.

      An Opportunity to Go Deeper. While this workshop was offered live for New Years 2022, it is designed to give you what you need to stop what isn’t working, get clear about what does work and activate easy momentum to receive more of what you want in the next 3-6 months with the peace, power, and the predictability that comes from having the correct awareness and right tools. If you’re inspired to go deeper or access more support, I’ll share more about The Receive Experience™. No hard sell, simply an invitation to my easy access 11 Module Program which includes Lifetime Access to weekly group support all year-round.


      I'd love to hear from you!