Surpass Your Limits School


Surpass Your Limits School is a personal empowerment community that provides resources, training, coaching, and retreats.

Our programs empower women and all aligned individuals to surpass their limits in business and beyond without wasting time or working harder.

Through access to a curated blend of proven transformational methods that draw from cognitive-behavioral techniques, energy psychology, ancient wisdom practices, and somatic processing, you will discover exactly how your presence is more powerful than your productivity.

By balancing and harmonizing overworked Human Doing skills with malnourished Human Being skills, you can unlock the purpose, potential, passion and prosperity that’s been eluding you in ways beyond what you knew to be possible.

Surpass Your Limits School is dedicated to dissolving the internalized limits that hold us back from embodying our greatest potential in service to a brighter future for all.

Sonia Miller, BBA, MSW

Founder and President