
Unlock the peace, passion, potential and prosperity
that’s been eluding you within 90 days or less.

So that you’re set free to make your greatest impact
now – not someday.

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Get What You Want in Business and Beyond Without Wasting Time or Working Harder

Even if you’re starting to lose hope.

Free Video Class


3 Hard-Work Habits You Must Unlearn to Welcome Your Fulfillment with Ease

And unlock the love, work and money success that’s been eluding you.


Free Weekly Energy Healings

Unlock Your Brightest Future

No Matter What’s Happening
In the World

Yes! Quantum leaps are possible with this innovative empowerment modality.



The Receive Now Program™

Learn the Deceptively Simple Tool Accomplished Women Use
to Receive More by Doing Less

An 11 Week Journey that Unlocks the Peace, Passion, Potential and Prosperity that’s Been Eluding You
Without Wasting Time or Working Harder

You’re an accomplished woman who looks great on paper…

So why does it seem that what you most want remains out of reach?

It just doesn’t make sense, right?

You’ve got the credentials, experience and proof that you make amazing things happen.

Let’s be honest… we both know that you could probably run a small country. 🙂

You’ve checked off most of the boxes that you thought would bring you deep and lasting fulfillment.


You’re not as happy as you like to be.

Perhaps you struggle with anxiety, loneliness or depression. Your relationships don’t feel the way you wish they did. You feel that you’re meant for more and want to make a bigger impact. And you may well feel exhausted or burned out.

You’re not alone and there’s nothing wrong with you.  

I know because I was you!

Hi, I’m Sonia!

The defining moment that brings me to you happened when I was 24. I was an Assistant Vice President at a brokerage firm, making good money as a stock and bond trader.  Despite my accomplishments I was living in my own private hell… feeling lonely, struggling with self-loathing, and suffering from an eating disorder. In one light bulb moment, my inner voice became louder than the voices of my parents, society and the experts who supposedly had all of the right answers. I didn’t know what would bring me peace, health or happiness, but I knew that looking to the outer world for answers wasn’t working. I picked up my life, moved across the country, and began a journey of personal growth, healing and discovery. I’ve never stopped.

Fast forward through 27+ years of research and application, today I draw upon extensive training in everything from ancient wisdom practices to proven energy psychology modalities, a Masters degree in Social Work and my career as a teacher, leadership trainer, and retreat facilitator for thousands of women across the globe. 

I want you to know two important things:

You can stop the endless seeking and finally find the fulfillment you’re after.

The solution is not about working harder. It’s about learning simple innovative empowerment practices you’ve been missing.


Relax into your natural self-worth
Feel the peace and safety that lives in you
Enjoy more love in your life
Feel as powerful as you look on paper
Manifest real-world results that defy what others say is possible?

Discover which of my powerful, proven programs
are the best fit for you now.

Private Sessions

Get unstuck, resolve unrelenting hurts, and gain rapid clarity and momentum.  

This innovative modality supports swift progress with your personal goals. Drawing upon a unique blend of both ancient and leading-edge wellness interventions, intuitive insight, and my 24 years of practitioner training and experience, this guided process offers gentle yet deeply transformational possibilities for your life.

Live Group Coaching

Unlock the purpose, passion, and prosperity that’s been eluding you faster than you imagined possible.

Are you an accomplished woman who, despite your achievements, feels unable to manifest that ultimate goal or dream you’ve been waiting and working so hard for? Discover how your hustle and grind strategy can actually trap you into a cycle of “eternal hunting” and learn instead what no one ever taught you: how to receive the abundance that’s always been here.

Laser-Focused Support

This support is tailored to your needs, budget and learning style.

You have options as you explore best strategies for getting unstuck quickly, a custom 30-90 day plan for rapid clarity and momentum, go-to support for a particular project, or real-time access to my expert support and advisement as you navigate a chapter of life or surpass your current upper limits.

Let’s explore the possibilities on a Clarity Call. (No charge. No pressure. No kidding.)

What makes me different
than other teachers or coaches?

After almost three decades I think it boils down to this:

I meet people at a very particular juncture in their personal evolution

It occurs at the point that life has put a stake in the ground and declared, “You can’t figure this out. You must find another way.” At this threshold you have an opportunity to expand into a new way of living – from the illusion of power – which is based in control, to true power – which can only be found within.

Seeing clearly is my thing

Your true power is something you experience. You can’t get there through the mind. And yet many ambitious, goal-oriented women try to find answers with their minds. By exposing this initial blind spot, and illuminating the doors that were previously camouflaged, entirely new possibilities are revealed.

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