Ultimate Manifestation!

From Mystery to Mastery –
How to Get Everything You Want from Life with Peace, Power and Predictability!



&#9745Learn the 3 most important key principles that take the mystery out of manifestation and move you into predictable results!

&#9745Uncover the fundamental paradigms most goal-oriented people have all wrong that actually keeps you separate from everything you want.

&#9745Learn 2 simple yet powerful energy shifting practices that begin to dissolve fear, limitation and self-sabotage immediately.

&#9745Discover 4 essential shifts you must make if you are ever going to experience permanent and lasting flow and abundance.

New Renaissance Bookshop, 1338 Nw 23rd Ave, Portland, OR (directions)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 7-9 pm


Email us at [mailto]CustomerCare@SuccessfortheSoul.com[/mailto] or call 877-291-1199