abundance person1MYTH: When you manifest your desire you’ll be happy.

As we awaken to the notion that we are not victims to circumstance or fate, it is common to seek out tools and techniques to help us feel more powerful. We believe that we will be happier when we have more power over our lives. While this is true, the myth occurs when we believe that our power and happiness is based upon manifesting our desires. We incorrectly believe, “When I own my home, I’ll feel secure. When I have a relationship, I’ll be loved. When I lose weight, I’ll by happy. When this unpleasant person leaves my life, I’ll be free.” This is simply untrue. If you look at yourself and your world honestly, you’ll see abundant proof of this.

Lasting happiness does not come packaged as a physical possession. It comes from uncovering the joy that is already within you beneath the internal lies. And the paradox is that quite often, as you become more of the joy, power, well-being and abundance that you already are, your physical world will indeed produce manifestations that match your inner reality.

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