The following segment is part of an extended article series designed to shed light on the nature of the illusion we call reality, how it keeps us small, and how to unleash your life’s highest possibilities!
Lie # 7 – You don’t know. The answers are outside of you.
In our introduction to this article series we explored the nature of the Illusion, why you would choose to forget your infinite power, and how it is that you begin to remember. Today we continue delving more deeply into the Illusion in which you live by exploring the untruth that you are confusion and “not knowing.”
A grand human illusion is based in the idea that we lack wisdom and knowledge. We are wired to look for answers outside of ourselves. We are convinced that there is a right and a wrong way to most of our challenges. This feeds into yet another insidious paradigm that goes something like: “Since I don’t have what I want, I must be doing something wrong. If I can just figure it out, everything will go my way.”
All of this chasing of answers and solutions outside of us perpetuates one of the greatest untruths of all time. However, the truth is this:
You are wisdom. Period.
There are two incorrect assumptions that keep us from accessing our infinite wisdom:
1) You don’t have the answers.
2) You have to find the answers.
As long as you seek wisdom in this way, you will not find it because where your attention goes, the energy flows. Your attention is going towards looking for something you think you don’t have, which means you’ll keep creating the illusion of not having answers.
How do we turn this around?
When you find yourself looking for answers simply STOP. Get quiet. Close your eyes and be still. Even if your mind is racing let this be a way to take a break from all the thinking, questioning and analyzing. Let your mind do what it does, but let go of your attachment to an outcome. Then, if you like follow your “seeking-break” with productive self-talk aligned with truth…
Practice being willing to believe that the answers are right here, right now. A great affirmation to use whenever you find yourself believing the lie of not knowing is, “I am willing to believe the answers are right here for me. I am willing to be clearly guided with wisdom.”
Then let it go and go about your life willing to trust that you will receive what you need as you need it.
Try it and let me know how it goes. Wisdom and knowing abounds if you are willing let it be revealed.
Choose YOUR Reality!
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