The following segment is part of an extended article series designed to shed light on the nature of the illusion we call reality, how it keeps us small, and how to unleash your life’s highest possibilities!
Lie # 5 – You are unsafe. Life and the world are dangerous.
In our introduction to this article series we explored the nature of the Illusion, why you would choose to forget your infinite power, and how it is that you begin to remember. Today we continue delving more deeply into the Illusion in which you live by exploring the untruth that you are unsafe.
The feeling that you are unsafe and that the world is a dangerous place is universal to the human experience. We perceive threat in everything. Our food is unsafe. Our environment is toxic. People are dangerous. The weather can take away our homes, our supply and our loved ones. Exploitive global economies and political systems are sustained by all kinds of “Boogie Men”. Our bodies are vulnerable to visible and invisible forces. And heck! Even the cures that are meant to help us are often dangerous too.
At least that is what we believe…
And therein lies the key to feeling safe: Your belief.
Again, the Illusion is brilliantly at play here. By design and from the 20,000 foot spiritual perspective, there is Divine Perfection in this convincing untruth. Your golden opportunity lies in beginning to see this lie for what it is: A big fat lie.
Conversely, the truth is:
Your True Nature is Safety and Well-Being. Period.
Of course you can’t force your mind to believe this. Dissolving the Illusion is not an intellectual process. The untrained mind actually perpetuate the illusion. You can collect evidence that you are safe ad nauseum, but until the fear that has its grip on you begins to dissolve from the inside out, your perception will remain rooted in the lie.
How do you begin to dissolve the fear and the belief that reinforces the lie? You begin the process by becoming willing see the truth. And you continue by honoring rather than rejecting your fear.
Here are two powerful practices you can experiment with:
1. Every time you feel afraid, notice that you are believing in danger and use this mantra:
I am willing to believe, feel and know that I am safe and cared for under all conditions.
Do this every chance you get.
2. And when you do feel fear, consider letting yourself actually feel it with love and acceptance, rather than resorting to your usual avoidance mechanisms.
Remember: Whatever you give your attention to expands. When you direct your awareness toward safety, and you embrace yourself and your feelings with love and acceptance, your experience of well-being will expand.
Try it and let me know how it goes.
Choose YOUR Reality! TM
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