The following segment is part of an extended article series designed to shed light on the nature of the illusion we call reality, how it keeps us small, and how to unleash your life’s highest possibilities!

Lie # 3 – You Are Trapped. You Are Constrained.

In our introduction to this article series we explored the nature of the Illusion, why you would choose to forget your infinite power, and how it is that you begin to remember. Today, we continue delving more deeply into the Illusion in which you live by exploring the untruth revealed when you feel trapped.

Your true nature is freedom. You are freedom. Period.

Yet the vast majority of human beings move about their lives in a constant feeling of constraint or restriction. Sometimes it feels like static noise in the background that you become so accustomed to that you simply forget… until you catch a glimpse of feeling f.ree – perhaps during a walk in nature, with a deep inhalation of fresh air, or when you hop into your car after a long work week and shift into weekend mode.

Other times life may feel like it is closing down around you. You feel weighted, burdened, held down. Maybe you are caring for some who depends on you – a sick parent or small children. Perhaps you’re the primary provider for your family, or you’re responsible for an entire company, with decisions to make employees to pay. It feels like it’s all on you.

And yet other times you may experience feeling trapped as a basic lack of permission to just be you, uncensored with no holding back. Regardless of the situation, the underlying internal illusion is: I’m trapped and I’m constrained.

Well, congratulations! In your brilliance as an expression of Source Energy, you did an award-winning job of convincing yourself of an utter untruth.

The Truth is:

Source is freedom.
There is only ONE Source expressing as you, in you, through you and through your entire life.
This means that you are Source as well. Ergo, not only are you actually freedom, but freedom is everywhere for you to experience! If you’re willing…

The key to dissolving the illusion of imprisonment is to first remember that it IS an illusion. Every time you point your finger at something in your life as the source of your freedom or lack thereof, you reinforce the illusion.

You are not imprisoned by anything external.
It is your mind, your beliefs, and your expectations that keep you trapped.

So! In the light of this Truth, I offer you a challenge: Every time you find yourself feeling trapped or constrained…

Say yes to it, Oh, okay, yes. That’s me feeling trapped. That’s me feeling constrained by some outer condition.
Practice your willingness mantra: I am willing to feel, know and experience the freedom that I already am – under all conditions.

And if you have trouble with this you can add… Even if I just can’t imagine how this is true. I am willing!

Remember: The creative energy flows where your attention goes. Are you focusing on the illusion of being trapped? Or are you focusing on Truth: You are freedom!

Choose YOUR Reality! TM


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