Are you someone who likes and believes in the Law of Attraction, but can’t seem to get the results you want? Well, there many myths and distortions out there about the Law of Attraction and I’m here to help you clear those up once and for all!
Today we’re going to talk about Myth #1. When it comes to the Law of Attraction, most people have it all backwards. They are focused on outcomes instead of inner truth.
Often times when people learn about the Law of Attraction, they hear that we create our reality with our thoughts and emotions. So they practice common techniques like visualizations, affirmations and collages. Those techniques can indeed work, but many times they don’t. Why? Here’s the deal:
Where your attention goes the energy flows. Yes, this is the true. But what many people misunderstand is that we aren’t talking about the obvious way that we direct our attention. What matters most is what’s under the hood.
When we want the house, the car, the relationship, the weight loss, the money or the job change – and we focus on these outcomes – what we are really “telling” the Universe with our consciousness (i.e. what’s under the hood) is: “I am separate from what I want. I am separate from the money, the love, the abundance, the health, the well-being, the beauty, and the prosperity that I seek.” And because where your attention goes the energy does flow, you create more separation.
If instead of focusing on outcomes you start to focus more of your efforts on your inner truth. In other words you explore how to understand and reclaim the Truth that you already are the peace, love, joy, prosperity, health, well-being and freedom that you seek – then the Law of Attraction, or what I like to call Ultimate Manifestation, starts to reveal how this is so in all areas of your life. Consciousness does create!
Choose YOUR Reality! ™