When it comes to relationships, a common blind spot can be found when people focus on the form vs. the essence. Form refers to appearances – what you think a particular relationship should look like. Essence refers to qualities – what you wish your relationship to feel like. The form can be a trap because we think the form is what will make us happy. But if the form doesn’t match the essence two things can happen: a) you may attract exactly what you’re looking for (i.e your dream relationship will “look” as you expected), but still find yourself unhappy, or b) you may find yourself unable to manifest what you desire because, due to your expectation, you’ll keep missing it.
Go ahead and have fun identifying what you want in a relationship. Make lists and summon the visual imagery of your desires. But don’t stop there. Go deeper and look beneath the surface. Ask yourself what it is that you really want in a relationship. As you clearly connect with your value system and the qualities you seek, you’ll be able to direct that energy with clarity. Consciousness creates. So it is well worth your effort to really understand what is happening in your consciousness, so that you create what you *really* want, not what you *think* you want.
If you keep expecting your dream mate to look a certain way, you might look right past him or her. When you know what you really seek (i.e. freedom, connection, harmony, creative partnership, commitment, mature love, etc.) then you will be able to stay open and allow the true essence of your dreams into your life, regardless of potentially unexpected appearances.
To learn more about the blind spots that keep you from relationship fulfillment, join me at my next free teleclass on October 7th. For info and to register go to: www.successforthesoul.com/
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