Manifestation Myth Buster #2

MYTH: When you manifest your desire you’ll be happy. As we awaken to the notion that we are not victims to circumstance or fate, it is common to seek out tools and techniques to help us feel more powerful. We believe that we will be happier when we have more power...

Manifestation Myth Buster #1

MYTH: Creating your reality does not mean controlling your reality. From a myth-busting perspective this speaks to the fact that often times when a seeker discovers Law of Attraction teachings they are inspired by the idea that we create our reality with the energy of...

It’s Not What You Think

If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: I’m a relationship junky! This driving passion has fueled almost three decades of dedicated study and exploration into what it takes to create fulfilling relationships – in all areas of life. It’s been the muse that inspired...