Is This Your Relationship Blind Spot?  Form Vs Essence

Is This Your Relationship Blind Spot? Form Vs Essence

When it comes to relationships, a common blind spot can be found when people focus on the form vs. the essence. Form refers to appearances – what you think a particular relationship should look like. Essence refers to qualities – what you wish your relationship...
The Universe Of Difference Between Control And Power

The Universe Of Difference Between Control And Power

We humans spend our lives chasing feelings. While there is a full spectrum of feelings to experience we are driven by two. We chase the feeling of control and we chase the feeling of power. Both feelings are available to us, but each one has a price. In other...

This Morning In Meditation

So… I connect with higher guidance everyday through conversations with my Spiritual Beloved (MB for short – My Beloved). Today I was working through resistance regarding some tasks that I need to do, but don’t want to do. I practiced what I preached,...

This Morning in Meditation

As a spiritual being having a human experience my lens on life has evolved and distilled down to this:    1)      Consciousness creates. 2)      As I understand and direct my consciousness intentionally, I experience the power that is my true nature.  ...
My Resurrection

My Resurrection

Five years ago, at 12:30am Easter Sunday morning, my marriage of 15 years was pronounced dead.  It was not my choice.  Except for the fact that my intuition had been telling me something my mind refused to believe for eight months prior, it came as a complete...