The Biggest Money Illusion Of All

The Biggest Money Illusion Of All

You know how just before a pregnant woman is getting ready to push the baby out – her vagina is stretched to maximum capacity and things get reeeeeallly intense? That’s me. I’m crowning. I’m about to birth something big in my consciousness. I know the baby is in...
Do You Focus On What You Can Or Cannot Do?

Do You Focus On What You Can Or Cannot Do?

Where do you focus your attention? On the question: What CAN I do? Or on all that you can NOT do? Yesterday I “accidentally” initiated a political dialogue after re-posting a video-bite of Obama on gun control. As a policy I have always stayed away from...
There’s A Resolution Revolution

There’s A Resolution Revolution

It’s the first Monday of 2016. A New Year. The rumblings are getting louder. More and more I hear and read that people are fed up with goals. People are fed up with New Year’s resolutions. People are done with The Hype. We feel marketers exploiting the human tendency...