If you’re a business owner there is never a shortage of high priority decisions to make everyday and figuring out how to attract your ideal client is always at the top of the list.
Consequently, it is very common for an entrepreneur to think or feel:
“I need to figure out my marketing plan just right or my business will fail. “
This inner dialogue hides a common business blind spot, which, when illuminated allows a business owner to take decision-making and implementation to a whole new level of effectiveness.
It is infinitely more important how you do something than what you do.
When you’re eagerly seeking the marketing plan that will solve all your problems, your focus is on finding the magic pill. You know, the silver bullet, the perfect blueprint, the right answer. But as long as you think there is a right or wrong way of marketing, you’ll miss your path to success.
Consciousness creates and action is simply a delivery mechanism for your consciousness. If you take action without consideration for what is driving it, you could end up sabotaging yourself. In other words, if you work really hard, but your consciousness is one of lack, fear or scarcity, your action will produce limited results at best. Worse yet, you could create more work for yourself.
On the flipside when you take action that is inspired by expectancy, joy, passion and possibilities, then your action will be fruitful and productive. As a matter of fact, this is the kind of action that can feel magical; where you’re in the flow and in the groove.
To learn how to find your blind spots and what to do once you see them, join me at my next free teleclass on December 14th. Click here to learn more: www.discoveryourblindspots.com
Seek illumination and begin to discover your untapped power.
Take the quiz at www.findyourblindspots.com