When your limited view of yourself, the world, or the Universe seems insurmountable, remember this presupposition:  “If it is possible in the world, it is possible for me.  It is just a matter of HOW.”  Then find one person who did it.  All you need is ONE.  And when disbelief or doubt creeps in, remind yourself, “If Jane or John Doe did it, it can be done.”  Then do what’s in front of you.

Would you like to make 2016 your best year yet – without the hype, or the fizzle of New Year motivation?

Please join me at my 6 week mini training starting January 13, 2016.  For more info go to: www.successforthesoul.com/ultimate-kick-start-program

Seek illumination and begin to discover your blind spots.
Take the quiz at www.findyourblindspots.com
