The following segment is part of an extended article series designed to shed light on the nature of the illusion we call reality, how it keeps us small, and how to unleash your life’s highest possibilities!
Lie # 4 – You are powerless.
In our introduction to this article series we explored the nature of the Illusion, why you would choose to forget your infinite power, and how it is that you begin to remember. Today we continue delving more deeply into the Illusion in which you live by exploring the untruth revealed when you feel subject to powers outside of you.
Your True Nature is Power beyond human imagining. Period.
However, the illusion that we are the opposite is so brilliantly crafted that it shows up in many disguises.
The illusion of powerlessness will appear as:
A person or condition determining what you can and cannot do.
The feeling or perception of “no way out.”
The experience or perception of being victimized, bullied, singled out, or treated unjustly.
The assumption that someone or something knows more, is more, or has more – be it knowledge, skill, resources, etc.
The physical feeling of losing power, becoming small, or feeling overpowered by your own thoughts and emotions.
One of the overriding aspects of this illusion is that you will feel subject to conditions – both inner and outer.
The Truth is that your power is absolutely, unequivocally not contingent upon any person, situation or condition. However, because we believe in the illusion of powerlessness, it is this mind-set that keeps us caught in a veritable prison. We can’t even imagine how it can be different because our minds have convinced us that this is reality.
Until… your soul cracks the door open and offers you a glimpse of remembering the Truth.
The crack may appear as a simple realization that, “Hey, maybe there IS another way.” Or your mind, which was so fixated on battling outside forces or strategizing a way out, loosens it grip and surrenders a bit. In the surrender you become willing, and your power begins to reveal itself. Once this occurs, you can build momentum and even snowball into a more consistent direct experience of your own power.
You do this through choice. And here’s how it works:
Every time you feel powerless in some way… notice. In this instant you have a choice. You can reinforce the lie that you are powerless by reacting in your usual way, or you can detach from the situation and declare your willingness:
I am willing to feel and experience my power here and under all conditions.
Practice this every chance you get and as you do, two things will happen: 1) Moment by moment you will be soothed because you will be claiming your power to choose another way in a moment where you felt powerless, and 2) cumulatively you will reclaim more and more of your power. At some point you’ll begin having direct experiences of your power in ways you never knew possible.
Try it and let me know how it goes!
Choose YOUR Reality! TM
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