In the last few weeks the Universe has sent me a very clear message:

Everyone wants the prize, the trophy, the win, the success, the feel good. But guess what? Behind every success is a whole bunch of boring, a whole bunch of discipline, and a whole bunch of steadfast consistency that went into it.

Michael Jordan is arguably one of the best basketball players of all time. He was relentless in his discipline of practice. Until the end of his career, Michael was known to be the first person at the gym and the last one to leave.

This work ethic is true for every person who enjoys their brand of success, be it a concert pianist, a financially independent individual, a successfully married couple, or a healthy vital human being.

Manifesting your life dreams is a learnable and doable skill, no question about it. But many people are simply not willing to do what it takes. We want to do things on our terms. We grab a burst of motivation, go all out until the first strike of boring or hard hits, then we retreat until we get bored or fed up again for another round.

Well, here’s the thing: If you can make peace with feeling bored and really get that the path to success is more often a marathon than a sprint, you’re more than half way there.

Whether you need to take on a daily spiritual practice no-kidding, decide that you don’t get to indulge in blame, make yourself count your blessings instead of your trials, or look for what’s right in your life versus what’s wrong…. you must train your awareness. And when you take this on with commitment you truly can choose your reality.

I challenge you to embrace boring with open arms and see what thrilling things begin to walk through that door.

Seek illumination and begin to discover your blind spots.
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