Loved womenYou Are Unlovable And Unworthy

The following segment is part of an extended article series designed to shed light on the nature of the illusion we call reality, how it keeps us small, and how to unleash your life’s highest possibilities! To start at the beginning click here.

In our introduction to this article series we explored the nature of the Illusion, why you would choose to forget your infinite power, and how it is that you begin to remember. Today we’ll delve more deeply into the Illusion by beginning an exploration of the lies you believe about yourself.

It is a highly unusual human being who has not struggled with feeling unlovable and unworthy. This belief is so deeply engrained that we operate as if it were truth in countless ways without even realizing it.

Want a clue as to how much this belief drives you? Give yourself total permission to answer the following questions with zero hold-back or judgment:

1) What do you want to change, improve or fix about yourself and your life? (Take a moment and answer the question. In 60 seconds or less you’ll have your readily available list.)

2) What about yourself do you fully appreciate? (What does that list look like after 60 seconds?)

Now consider this:

  • The only possible reason you could have answers to question #1 is because you operate from the perspective that who you are and how your life is, is NOT ENOUGH.
  • This not-enoughness is a belief that is so deeply held, that the desire to change, fix and improve yourself and your life is as natural as breathing.
  • If you knew you were loveable and worthy, you would operate from the utter knowing that you and your life are enough.

Do you have ANY IDEA what enoughness feels like? Can you possibly conceive of what it would feel like if you knew you were loved and worthy under all conditions? This feeling, this knowing is so foreign to most of us, that we simply can’t imagine it. And yet, it is absolutely the TRUTH of who you really are.

You are love. You are loved. You are worthy. Exactly as you are. Period.

Beyond the benefit of simply feeling better and more peaceful – which is certainly a good enough reason to explore how to remember this ultimate truth, there is an interesting manifestation by-product that occurs when you remember that you are loved and worthy. It goes like this:

  • Our consciousness creates our reality. (Note I did not say we “control” our reality.)
  • Where and how our attention goes, the creative energy flows.
  • Ergo: when you know you are loved and worthy under all conditions, you tend to manifest all kinds of fabulous creations within your Illusion that reflect back to you just how loved and worthy you are!
  • And the best part is, you don’t need the manifestations to feel and know you are loved and worthy. You feel and know this no matter what the Illusion looks like.

Now THAT is being the Truth of Who You Are.

How do you begin to remember and experience this Truth directly? It always begins with willingness. Begin noticing when you feel unlovable or unworthy and every time your do, declare your willingness:

I am willing to feel and know that I am loved and worthy under all conditions.

The TRUTH is here to be experienced. It is not something you figure out or get. It is something you reveal by lifting the illusion and willingness sets this in motion.

I invite you to choose your reality!

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