puzzle pieceMYTH: The actions you take determine your reality.

Well… yes and no. Until and unless you become an enlightened mystic who can play with the fabric of reality with solely your consciousness, you will need to rely in part on your actions to affect your reality. However, the common myth is that if you want to change your reality, you need to throw massive amounts of action behind your intention. While this is generally true, the puzzle piece many people miss is that action, without the correct consciousness behind it, will produce inconsistent results at best.

The truth is that your actions are simply a delivery mechanism for your consciousness. And your consciousness (the sum total of your thoughts, expectations and emotions) is the life force that animates everything in your physical world.

When you learn how to correctly direct your consciousness, you’ll experience less effort and more effectiveness in all you do!

Seek illumination and begin to discover your blind spots.
Take the quiz at www.findyourblindspots.com