Lack is not a fact. Lack is a feeling. It is the feeling you feel in our body when you believe the thought that you require more than you’re currently able to access.

This bears repeating:

Lack is the feeling you feel in your body when you believe the thought, “I require more than I’m currently able to access.”

This means that when you experience a sense of lack, you are dealing with:

-And thoughts

As long as you relate to lack as if it is a fact, you will struggle. Yet, as you understand that your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs manifest your experience, you reclaim more and more of your power when you perceive or experience lack.

We start by remembering this premise: What you resist persists. What you receive reveals new possibilities.

Resistance occurs when we attempt to change, fix or control what is here. However, when you receive your feelings, beliefs, and thoughts – with compassion – they will move on through.

The next time you feel lacking, notice, stop and own the experience. Take a breath and say to yourself, “I am struggling with lack.” Awareness is the first step in receiving.

Next, let the entire experience be here. Breathe into the feelings in your body. Let the feelings be here with compassion. Let the thoughts and beliefs be here by naming them.

-I believe I don’t have enough.
-I believe I need to drum up business.
-I believe I have no friends.
-I believe I am alone.
-I’m afraid I’ll be homeless.

Be still. Breathe all of this in. Exhale love and compassion. Breathe it all in again. Exhale love and compassion. As you allow the feelings, beliefs, and thoughts to be here, they will move as you allow them safe passage.

And as you feel more spaciousness ask yourself, “Above all else, how do I want to feel?” Remember, your mind will tell you lack is a fact that you must fix or control. This resistance will cause lack to persist. However, when you remember that lack is a feeling, and you invite instead of the feeling you seek, you will become able to receive new possibilities. Quite often what we seek when we struggle with lack is to know that we are loved and cared for.

–Excerpt from The Receive Oracle Cards

Stop Seeking. Start Receiving.