“I am here for you.” This is the voice of availability. Availability is a core need that, when nurtured, eases struggle and expands your capacity to receive.

How is this so? The answer lies in the last two words of Availability’s voice, “I am here for you.”
For you. This means that when someone or something is available to you, you are the most important being in that time and space. You are the one being RECEIVED with love and safety.

-Your words are received.
-Your body is received.
-Your feelings are received.
-Your needs are received.
-You are witnessed.
-You are heard.
-You know you matter.
-You are important.

As your need for availability is nurtured, life’s goodness becomes more available to you. This is the way of receiving. Life shows you reflections of your inner world.

If your need for availability is unmet, you may struggle with the belief that the outer world is the only place to find it. But if you begin to explore how it is that availability begins in your relationship with you, you will begin to unlearn this struggle.

When you need availability, if another can’t provide it, then take a breath or two and pause. Turn your attention within, close your eyes and ask, “How do I need to show up for myself?” Listen and trust the answer that arises.

As spiritual beings in a physical experience, availability usually yearns for physical presence. And so being available for yourself often requires a connection with your body. Consider being in nature, even if only to step outside and feel your lungs breathe deeply. Go for a walk and feel your feet meet the ground with each step. Or simply change the position of your body. If you’ve been sitting, stand up, or lay on the floor. As you feel your body, you will feel yourself become more available to you.

–Excerpt from The Receive Oracle Cards

Stop Seeking. Start Receiving.
