There’s a reason the title of my book includes the tag line: “Why The Law Of Attraction Isn’t Working And How To Get Results Finally!”
The reason is this: I love providing reality checks on what it takes to be successful. It doesn’t matter if your goal is to make more money, love your job, have a great relationship or enjoy a healthier more beautiful body.
Here’s the status quo:
Many of us see a problem in our lives, or at very least identify an area of discontent. Point our finger and label it “a problem” and quickly jump into “fix the problem” mode. The REAL problem, however, is that our approach to manifesting a more fulfilling experience is often based in flawed logic.
Most of us actually believe that there is power in the actions we take.
There is not.
The way most of us use it, action is a placebo. It is inert. Action has no power in and of itself, but we use it because it makes us feel better. At least for a little while until we take a break and realize we’ve been working really hard, but the results are underwhelming.
Well, there is much I can say about this (and I will because there is more coming), but for today I’m thrilled to share the blog post of my friend and colleague Tea Godfrey Silvestre. She called me yesterday to ask, “How does manifestation and marketing REALLY work?” And we recorded the whole conversation.
As a coach Tea helps her clients learn how to market their businesses effectively and authentically. Like me, she understands that there is something broken in the mainstream approach to “taking massive amounts of action” in order to build one’s business.
We had a blast blowing the whistle on manifesting marketing success. CLICK HERE to read her post where we begin by debunking the limiting belief, “The Money Is In The List”. You’ll also have access to the full audio recording where we discuss what The Matrix, Star Wars and Contact have to do with business success.
And if you want to seek illumination and begin to discover your blind spots:
Take the quiz at
Choose YOUR Reality! TM