If you feel trapped behind invisible walls of limitation it may be because you have encountered what I’m calling “The Power Paradox”.
So what is The Power Paradox?
It is portal into a brave new world of personal power.
You cannot use your will to access this power.
But the portal itself will usher you across the threshold if you offer your willingness.
Are you willing to be re-introduced to your most powerful Self?
The Power Paradox reveals itself as a point in a person’s life where conditions have reached critical mass. It is the spark that can ignite a personal revolution which plays out on the landscape of an individual’s mental, emotional and spiritual world.
Reaching critical mass is not the sole indicator that the Power Paradox has revealed itself, for there can be many times in a person’s life when they feel the pressure of critical mass. They are pushed to their limits, they stress, they battle, they strategize and problem solve. They’ll use familiar life and business tools to overcome, or they’ll learn new strategies and perhaps reach new levels of stamina, detachment, or skill.
However the Power Paradox represents a distinct cross-roads. A threshold. Its name comes from the sometimes subtle, sometimes confounding realization that regardless of how take-charge, competent, powerful or masterful you’ve felt until now, this time you have reached a limit you didn’t know existed.
Signs that the Power Paradox has found you include:
- All the proven go-to tools upon which you used to rely, simply aren’t working for you anymore.
- You’ve realized that Einstein was right when he said, “Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.” In other words, you know without a doubt that you have absolutely reached the upper limit of your knowledge base or access to wisdom, and that if you are going to surpass your upper limit this time, you will have to try something new.
- Admittedly you and your life reflect common signs of power and success, be it through status, worldly possession, influence, beauty, or biography, BUT you don’t feel powerful. Something is amiss within. You may feel lost, dead inside, disconnected, longing for meaning, or perhaps you feel like an imposter.
- You have encountered a life experience for which you have utterly no frame of reference to navigate. These circumstances, whether in your inner or outer world, are completely over your head. They are uncharted territory. You may even feel as if you’ve been brought to your knees. Or you can no longer afford to keep doing what you’ve been doing. Something’s gotta give.
The Illusion of Power is based in control. A person who operates within the Illusion seeks to feel powerful by exerting control over the conditions of their lives. This is all well and good while it works. However, when you encounter a situation that is beyond your control, then what?
Then you have two choices: You can keep trying what you’ve been trying and shed some more blood banging your head against that wall, OR you can try something new. The something new is to turn all of your attention away from the outer world you’re trying to control, to your inner world where your true power lies.
This inner world indeed represents a brave new world where your True Power has always lived. Accessing this untapped power literally feels like a journey into “opposite land” where you discover a power you’ve never known by doing the opposite of what you used to do. Everything about Opposite Land feels counter intuitive. But in truth it is not. It is actually the most natural way to be. As you get re-introduced to your True Self, you begin to discover how to embody, experience and express this power in your inner world and your outer world NO MATTER WHAT IS HAPPENING.
I REPEAT: You discover how to feel and be powerful no matter what is happening in your world. No matter what the economy is doing, no matter what your boss did or didn’t say, no matter if you make a sale or not, no matter whether or not that person texted you back, no matter what your body is doing or not doing. True Power comes from being connected to a Bigger Aspect of Yourself that is beyond the conditions of your life.
And when you tap into this power, those formerly impenetrable walls begin to dissolve and the goals and dreams that used to feel just beyond your reach begin to manifest in ways you could have never imagined.
If upon reading this you find yourself longing to see what’s on the other side of the portal, it means it has opened for you.
Are you willing to walk through the portal into your True Power?
I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts! Please post below. 🙂
Choose YOUR Reality!™