Do you believe that you would be happier if you found a better job?

If the answer is yes, well, I hear you.  Been there.  Done that.

In the late 1980’s I worked at an institutional brokerage firm trading stocks and bonds.  I graduated with a business degree and got a financially secure job because I thought that was what I was supposed to do.  On the outside I appeared quite successful. By the time I was 24 years old I was an Assistant Vice President making good money.   But on the inside I felt like I was dying a spiritual death.  During my five years in the brokerage firm, I lived a double life.  By day: I was a stock and bond trader.  By night and weekends: I became Sonia’s alter-ego super hero known as “Flower Child” (at least that’s what Chester, my brokerage firm mentor called me).

I immersed myself in all things related to “The Invisible World” (i.e. everything that you cannot see, but that dictates your reality in every possible way).

I studied voraciously the mind, thoughts, emotions, psychology, spirituality, energy, quantum physics, consciousness, metaphysics, healing, intuition, you name it.  If it was invisible, I studied it.  And because it was invisible the only way to gather hard data was to use myself as a guinea pig and my life as a Petri dish.  This meant that every theory, tool, exercise, or practice that I learned about, I would practice to see if it actually made a difference in how I felt on the inside and what appeared in my physical world.

Fast forward 30 years of research, training and application, I stand before you a successful international life coach (quite the career change wouldn’t you say?).  I have a proven track record helping people discover how to work with greater peace, purpose and prosperity.

And I have this to say:

Your Consciousness Creates Your Reality

In this statement is hidden the keys to your kingdom.  And because my personal mission is to hand out keys to liberate people from their prisons of limitation, I’m going to keep it real with you.

I have the best kept secret to finding a better job, but there’s a catch.  You can only receive and use this key when you’re ready, because using the key I give you is not the popular or sexy path.  Most people want quick fixes.  But quick fixes only deal with symptoms, not the underlying problem.

Are you ready for this key?  Over my 30 years in the trenches, I’ve learned that there are few distinct characteristics that indicate if a person is ready.

See if this applies to you:

  • You are sick and tired of being sick and tired of being unhappy at work.
  • You are so done trying – unsuccessfully – everything you know, that you’re willing to try something new.
  • You can’t afford not to solve this problem.  In other words, in some way – emotionally, spiritually, health-wise, or financially – you’re up against the wall.

If you’re truly ready then the key I’m going to offer you will make you think and feel, “Yes… I sense this is true.  I want to know how to get there.  I’m ready to learn how.”

Here’s the key:

You’re believing this lie:

“If I had a better job I would be happier.”

The key to permanent and lasting fulfillment with work is:

If you were happier, your job would be better.


So…. Are you ready?

If so, join me at my brand new FREE teleclass on April 21st, “From J.O.B. To Joy: 3 Work And Career Lies That Keep You From Peace, Purpose And Prosperity”  

Click here for info and to register:

And be sure to read all of the inspiring success stories!  You really CAN experience greater success and fulfillment at work.  Promise!

Choose YOUR Reality!™


PS. Are you currently looking for a job, or are you unhappy with your current job?  Share your story with us!