Nikkea and I were sitting in her living room on day two of our business brainstorming marathon.  I don’t remember what prompted her, but I’ll never forget my response. The tears welled up in my eyes unannounced.  “What did you say?” I asked.

“You know… that Dalai Lama quote, ‘The world will be saved by the western woman.’”

I felt my eyes get bigger, my face get flushed, my breath sprinting to catch up with itself as unexplainable emotions gushed forth. “Wait.” I whispered. “I need a minute.”

Nikkea held vigil while I honored… something.

What was happening to me?  Where was this coming from? I let the tears flow.

Sometimes you just know something because you know it, and there is nothing to justify or explain. It didn’t take long for me to understand that what had just occurred was that my mind had recognized something my soul had known from before birth.  With those words, “The world will be saved by the western woman,” I was given permission and a mandate to own and unify all the formerly seemingly disjointed pieces of my life and step forward into my next expression of purpose.

Suddenly I understood so many things…

Why I had gotten a business degree and worked in corporate America as a stock and bond trader to become an Assistant Vice President at the age of 24.  And why the certainty that I was dying a spiritual death at that job prompted an uncharacteristically bold decision to move 3000 miles across the country to start a new life.

Why I flung my career pendulum to its polar opposite to earn a Master’s Degree in Social work and explore a world of disenfranchised populations as a caseworker for migrant farm families and teen Latina girls groping to find their identities between two discordant cultures.

Why I had immersed myself for ten years in a body of work which focused on strengthening our society through cultivating productive and successful relationships between men and women, and why I’d devoured every leadership training opportunity I could get my hands on.

And finally, I knew why I felt most at home working with professional women, despite the fact that the principles I practiced and taught were universal, regardless of age, gender or any other demographic.

I knew.

I am meant to work with professional women.  But not just any professional woman.  I am meant to work with a very specific kind of professional woman: the professional woman who is caught in what I’ve come to understand at a cellular level – the thing, the opportunity, the moment in a person’s life when they are caught in what I’ve come to call “The Power Paradox.”

For more on The Power Paradox keep checking back here at my blog or sign up for my newsletter in the box on the right to receive tips and updates regarding learning opportunities at Success For the Soul™.

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When the Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by the western woman.” what do you think he meant? Please comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts.