In case you missed it, I just announced our 3 Day Summer Sale in my latest ezine issue. And as promised, it starts today!
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Discover and Explore…
- The Relationship Mastery Circle for Women (Audio Program)
- The True Prosperity Club (Audio Program)
- Energy Healing to Activate Power Breakthroughs
- Quickly (Private and Group Packages)
- And more!
Whatever your passion, wherever you need support right now, these products will open the door to your next big transformational opportunities!
For full descriptions of these programs go to:
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And please do contact us with any questions.
Choose YOUR Reality!™
Sonia “The Priestess of Possibility!”
** Inspiration Infusion **
Here’s a taste of what one seeker experienced through the kinds of shifts I’m talking about…
“Sonia’s relationship program caused a seismic shift in my love life!”
“Sonia’s Relationship Mastery Circle for Women (RMC) has caused a seismic shift in my love life. Before being fortunate enough to find Sonia, I tried many other dating and love coaching programs, self-help books, counseling, you name it, but nothing moved the needle. Within a few months, I have discovered a whole new way of relating to men and a sense of possibility and potential I couldn’t have dreamed of before. I’ve moved from “searching for a man,” a grim chore resembling an endless job hunt, to finding a way I can finally be myself AND enjoy relating to men. I’m experiencing interest and movement in an area
I’d pretty much written off for long periods of my life. I can’t wait to see where I am at the end of the year! I wish I could send every woman who’s ever complained about her love life and feels committed spiritually to change and take risks, to Sonia!”
Helen Green,
Chicago, USA